Marlais Init.Dylan exported names

This document tracks Marlais' compliance to the Dylan Language Specification and provides those working on Marlais ideas for areas on which to bring Marlais into closer compliance.

Note that some of the exported names properly belong elsewhere, e.g. to the Common-Dylan specification libraries. So, this document also points out good places to attack the common-dylan spec.

Exported Classes

DRM has 52 names exported.

<abort> = {the class <abort> (39)}
<array> = {the class <array> (24)}
* <big-integer> = {> (9)}
<boolean> = {the class <boolean> (2)}
<byte-string> = {the class <byte-string> (30)}
<character> = {(46)}
<class> = {the class <class> (55)}
* <class-slots-class> = {the class <class-slots-class> (59)}
<collection> = {(14)}
<complex> = {the class <complex> (4)}
<condition> = {(33)}
<deque> = {the class <deque> (23)}
* <deque-entry> = {the class <deque-entry> (58)}
<double-float> = {the class <double-float> (13)}
<empty-list> = {(26)}
<error> = {the class <error> (40)}
* <exit-function> = {the class <exit-function> (51)}
<explicit-key-collection> = {the class <explicit-key-collection> (15)}
(missing <extended-float>)
<float> = {the class <float> (11)}
* <foreign-pointer> = {the class <foreign-pointer> (61)}
<function> = {(47)}
<generic-function> = {the class <generic-function> (49)}
<integer> = {the class <integer> (7)}
* <integer-state> = {false-or( <small-integer>) (8)}
<list> = {the class <list> (25)}
<method> = {the class <method> (50)}
<mutable-collection> = {the class <mutable-collection> (17)}
<mutable-explicit-key-collection> = {(19)}
<mutable-sequence> = {the class <mutable-sequence> (20)}
<number> = {the class <number> (3)}
* <object-handle> = {the class <object-handle> (60)}
<object-table> = {the class <object-table> (22)}
<object> = {the class <object> (1)}
<pair> = {the class <pair> (27)}
* <primitive> = {(48)}
<range> = {the class <range> (62)}
* <ratio> = {the class <ratio> (10)}
<rational> = {> (6)}
<real> = {the class <real> (5)}
<restart> = {the class <restart> (37)}
<sealed-object-error> = {> (43)}
<sequence> = {> (18)}
<serious-condition> = {the class <serious-condition> (34)}
<simple-error> = {the class <simple-error> (41)}
<simple-object-vector> = {> (32)}
<simple-restart> = {the class <simple-restart> (38)}
<simple-warning> = {the class <simple-warning> (36)}
<single-float> = {the class <single-float> (12)}
<singleton> = {> (54)}
* <small-integer> = {the class <small-integer> (8)}
<stretchy-collection> = {> (16)}
  -- but it's currently very, very broken.
<string> = {the class <string> (28)}
<symbol> = {the class <symbol> (45)}
* <table-entry> = {the class <table-entry> (57)}
<table> = (21)
<type-error> = {> (42)}
<type> = {the class <type> (53)}
<unicode-string> = {the class <unicode-string> (31)}
* <unwind-protect-function> = {the class <unwind-protect-function> (52)}
* <variable-name> = {the class <variable-name> (44)} -- this class should probably be hidden from the Marlais user.
<vector> = {the class <vector> (29)}
<warning> = {the class <warning> (35)}

* = name exported from Marlais, but not from DRM's Dylan module

Exported Functions

The DRM has 169 exported functions.

* = {the generic function * (n1 :: <number>, n2 :: <number>)}
+ = {the generic function + (n1 :: <number>, n2 :: <number>)}
- = {the generic function - (n1 :: <number>, n2 :: <number>)}
/ = {the generic function / (n1 :: <number>, n2 :: <number>)}
< = {the generic function < (o1, o2, #rest x)}
<= = {an anonymous method (o1, o2)#(~, #(<, o2, o1))}
= = {the generic function = (o1, o2, #rest x)}
== = {anonymous method ==}
~== = {anonymous method ~==}
> = {an anonymous method (o1, o2)#(<, o2, o1)}
>= = {an anonymous method (o1, o2)#(~, #(<, o1, o2))}
^ = {the generic function ^ (n :: <number>, i :: <integer>)}
~ = {an anonymous method ~}
~= = {an anonymous method (o1, o2)#(~, #(=, o1, o2))}
* above = {the generic function above (x, #rest x)}
* above-setter = {the generic function above-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
(missing abort)
abs = {the generic function abs (n :: <number>)}
add = {the generic function add (s :: <sequence>, new-element)}
add! = {the generic function add! (sequence1 :: <sequence>, new-element)}
add-method = {the generic function add-method (gf, meth, #rest x)}
add-new = {the generic function add-new (sequence :: <sequence>, new-element, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
add-new! = {the generic function add-new! (sequence1 :: <sequence>, new-element, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
all-superclasses = {an anonymous method (c :: <class>)#(%all-superclasses, c)}
always = {the generic function always (obj, #rest x)}
any? = {the generic function any? (procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-collections)}
applicable-method? = {the generic function applicable-method? (m, #rest x)}
apply = {the generic function apply (f, #rest x)}
aref = {the generic function aref (a :: <array>, #rest indices)}
aref-setter = {the generic function aref-setter (new-val, a :: <array>, #rest indices)}
as = {the generic function as (c, obj, #rest x)}
as-lowercase = {the generic function as-lowercase (s, #rest x)}
as-lowercase! = {the generic function as-lowercase! (s, #rest x)}
as-uppercase = {the generic function as-uppercase (s, #rest x)}
as-uppercase! = {the generic function as-uppercase! (s, #rest x)}
ash = {the generic function ash (i, count, #rest x)}
backward-iteration-protocol = {the generic function backward-iteration-protocol (c, #rest x)}
(missing break)
* below = {the generic function below (x, #rest x)}
* below-setter = {the generic function below-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
* by = {the generic function by (x, #rest x)}
* by-setter = {the generic function by-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
ceiling = {the generic function ceiling (r :: <real>)}
ceiling/ = {the generic function ceiling/ (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
cerror = {the generic function cerror (#rest x)}
choose = {the generic function choose (predicate :: <function>, sequence :: <sequence>)}
choose-by = {the generic function choose-by (predicate :: <function>, test-sequence :: <sequence>, value-sequence :: <sequence>)}
complement = {the generic function complement (func, #rest x)}
compose = {the generic function compose (function, #rest x)}
concatenate = {the generic function concatenate (sequence1 :: <sequence>, #rest sequences)}
concatenate-as = {the generic function concatenate-as (class :: <class>, sequence1 :: <sequence>, #rest more-sequences)}
(missing condition-format-arguments)
(missing condition-format-string)
conjoin = {the generic function conjoin (predicate, #rest x)}
copy-sequence = {the generic function copy-sequence (source :: <sequence>, #key #(#"start", start, #f))}
* copy-state = {the generic function copy-state (c, state, #rest x)}
* current-element = {the generic function current-element (c, state, #rest x)}
* current-element-setter = {the generic function current-element-setter (obj, c, state, #rest x)}
* current-key = {the generic function current-key (c, state, #rest x)}
* current-module = {primitive function current-module}
curry = {the generic function curry (f, #rest x)}
* debug-name = {the generic function debug-name (c, #rest x)}
* debug-name-setter = {the generic function debug-name-setter (s, m, #rest x)}
(missing default-handler)
dimension = {the generic function dimension (a :: <array>, axis :: <integer>)}
dimensions = {the generic function dimensions (v, #rest x)}
direct-subclasses = {an anonymous method (c :: <class>)#(%direct-subclasses, c)}
direct-superclasses = {an anonymous method (c :: <class>)#(%direct-superclasses, c)}
disjoin = {the generic function disjoin (predicate, #rest x)}
do = {the generic function do (procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-collections)}
(missing do-handlers)
element = {the generic function element (c :: <collection>, key, #rest rest)}
element-setter = {the generic function element-setter (val, l, i, #rest x)}
empty? = {the generic function empty? (collection :: <collection>)}
* eof-object? = {the generic function eof-object? (obj, #rest x)}
error = {the generic function error (msg, #rest x)}
* eval = {the generic function eval (obj, #rest x)}
even? = {the generic function even? (i, #rest x)}
every? = {the generic function every? (procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-collections)}
fill! = {the generic function fill! (mutable-collection :: <mutable-collection>, value, #key #(#"start", start, #f))}
* final-state = {the generic function final-state (v, #rest x)}
find-key = {the generic function find-key (collection :: <collection>, procedure :: <function>, #key #(#"skip", skip, #f) #(#"failure", failure, #f))}
find-method = {the generic function find-method (gf, #rest x)}
* finished-state? = {the generic function finished-state? (c, state, limit, #rest x)}
first = {the generic function first (sequence :: <sequence>)}
first-setter = {the generic function first-setter (new-value, sequence :: <sequence>)}
floor = {the generic function floor (r :: <real>)}
floor/ = {the generic function floor/ (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
forward-iteration-protocol = {the generic function forward-iteration-protocol (c, #rest x)}
* from = {the generic function from (x, #rest x)}
* from-setter = {the generic function from-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
function-arguments = {the generic function function-arguments (f, #rest x)}
function-specializers = {the generic function function-specializers (func, #rest x)}
function-return-values = {the generic function function-return-values (func, #rest x)}
gcd = {the generic function gcd (int1, int2, #rest x)}
generic-function-mandatory-keywords = {the generic function generic-function-mandatory-keywords (gf, #rest x)}
generic-function-methods = {the generic function generic-function-methods (gf, #rest x)}
head = {the generic function head (lst, #rest x)}
head-setter = {the generic function head-setter (obj, p, #rest x)}
identity = {an anonymous method (x)x}
* initial-state = {the generic function initial-state (l, #rest x)}
initialize = {the generic function initialize (instance, #rest x)}
instance? = {an anonymous method (obj, typ :: <type>)#(%instance?, obj, typ)}
integral? = {the generic function integral? (n, #rest x)}
intersection = {the generic function intersection (sequence1 :: <sequence>, sequence2 :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
key-sequence = {the generic function key-sequence (s, #rest x)}
key-test = {the generic function key-test (c :: <collection>)}
last = {the generic function last (sequence :: <sequence>)}
last-setter = {the generic function last-setter (new-value, s, #rest x)}
lcm = {the generic function lcm (int1, int2, #rest x)}
limited = {the generic function limited (int, #rest x, #key #(#"min", min, #f) #(#"max", max, #f))}
list = {the generic function list (#rest x)}
* load = {primitive function load}
logand = {the generic function logand (#rest x)}
logior = {the generic function logior (#rest x)}
(missing logbit?)
make = {the generic function make (c, #rest x)}
map = {the generic function map (procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-collections)}
map-as = {the generic function map-as (class :: <class>, procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-collections)}
map-into = {the generic function map-into (mutable-collection :: <mutable-collection>, procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>, #rest more-cols)}
max = {the generic function max (n1, #rest x)}
member? = {the generic function member? (value, collection :: <collection>, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
min = {the generic function min (n1, #rest x)}
modulo = {the generic function modulo (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
negative = {the generic function negative (n :: <number>)}
negative? = {the generic function negative? (r :: <real>)}
* next-state = {the generic function next-state (c, state, #rest x)}
object-class = {an anonymous method (o)#(%object-class, o)}
(missing object-hash)
odd? = {the generic function odd? (i, #rest x)}
pair = {the generic function pair (car, cdr, #rest x)}
pop = {the generic function pop (d, #rest x)}
pop-last = {the generic function pop-last (d, #rest x)}
positive? = {the generic function positive? (r :: <real>)}
* previous-state = {the generic function previous-state (v, state, #rest x)}
push = {the generic function push (d, new, #rest x)}
push-last = {the generic function push-last (d, new, #rest x)}
range = {the generic function range (#rest x)}
rank = {the generic function rank (a :: <array>)}
rcurry = {the generic function rcurry (f, #rest x)}
reduce = {the generic function reduce (procedure :: <function>, initial-value, collection :: <collection>)}
reduce1 = {the generic function reduce1 (procedure :: <function>, collection :: <collection>)}
remainder = {the generic function remainder (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
remove = {the generic function remove (sequence :: <sequence>, value, #key #(#"test", test, #f) #(#"count", count, #f))}
remove! = {the generic function remove! (sequence1 :: <sequence>, value, #key #(#"test", test, #f) #(#"count", count, #f))}
remove-duplicates = {the generic function remove-duplicates (sequence :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
remove-duplicates! = {the generic function remove-duplicates! (sequence1 :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f))}
(missing remove-key!)
remove-method = {the generic function remove-method (gf, meth, #rest x)}
replace-elements! = {the generic function replace-elements! (mutable-collection :: <mutable-collection>, predicate :: <function>, new-value-fn :: <function>, #key #(#"count", count, #f))}
replace-subsequence! = {the generic function replace-subsequence! (mutable-sequence :: <sequence>, insert-sequence :: <sequence>, #key #(#"start", start, #f))}
(missing restart-query)
(missing return-allowed?)
(missing return-description)
(missing return-query)
reverse = {the generic function reverse (sequence :: <sequence>)}
reverse! = {the generic function reverse! (sequence1 :: <sequence>)}
round = {the generic function round (r :: <real>)}
round/ = {the generic function round/ (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
row-major-index = {the generic function row-major-index (a :: <array>, #rest subscripts)}
* seal = {the generic function seal (c, #rest x)}
second = {the generic function second (sequence :: <sequence>)}
second-setter = {the generic function second-setter (new-value, sequence :: <sequence>)}
* set-module = {primitive function set-module}
shallow-copy = {the generic function shallow-copy (o, #rest x)}
signal = {the generic function signal (#rest x)}
singleton = {an anonymous method (o)#(%singleton, o)}
size = {the generic function size (collection :: <collection>)}
size-setter = {the generic function size-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
slot-initialized? = {an anonymous method (obj, slot)#(~, #(id?, #(slot, obj), %uninitialized-slot-value))}
sort = {the generic function sort (sequence :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f) #(#"stable", stable, #f))}
sort! = {the generic function sort! (sequence1 :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f) #(#"stable", stable, #f))}
sorted-applicable-methods = {the generic function sorted-applicable-methods (gf, #rest x)}
subsequence-position = {the generic function subsequence-position (big :: <sequence>, pattern :: <sequence>, #key #(#"test", test, #f) #(#"count", count, #f))}
subtype? = {an anonymous method (t1 :: <type>, t2 :: <type>)#(%subtype?, t1, t2)}
* system = {primitive function system}
(missing table-protocol)
tail = {the generic function tail (lst, #rest x)}
tail-setter = {the generic function tail-setter (obj, p, #rest x)}
third = {the generic function third (sequence :: <sequence>)}
third-setter = {the generic function third-setter (new-value, sequence :: <sequence>)}
* to = {the generic function to (x, #rest x)}
* to-setter = {the generic function to-setter (x, x, #rest x)}
truncate = {the generic function truncate (r :: <real>)}
truncate/ = {the generic function truncate/ (r1 :: <real>, r2 :: <real>)}
(missing type-error-expected-type)
(missing type-error-value)
type-for-copy = {the generic function type-for-copy (o, #rest x)}
type-union = {the generic function type-union (#rest x)}
union = {the generic function union (o1, o2, #rest args)}
values = {primitive function values}
vector = {the generic function vector (#rest x)}
* warning = {the generic function warning (msg, #rest x)}
zero? = {the generic function zero? (n :: <number>)}

Bindings that really shouldn't be visible to Marlais users

object-princ = {the generic function object-princ (stream, obj, #rest x)}
object-print = {the generic function object-print (stream, obj, #rest x)}
* set-slot-value! = {primitive function set-slot-value!}
slot-value = {primitive function slot-value}

Bindings that should be eliminated from Marlais

map-forward-iteration-protocol = {the generic function map-forward-iteration-protocol (c, #rest x)}
map1 = {the generic function map1 (f, c, #rest x)}
map2 = {the generic function map2 (f, c1, c2, #rest x)}
map1* = {the generic function map1* (functions, c, #rest x)}
map2* = {the generic function map2* (functions, c1, c2, #rest x)}
map3* = {the generic function map3* (functions, c1, c2, c3, #rest x)}

Exported Constants

The DRM has one name exported.

(missing $permanent-hash-state)

Exported Defining Macros

DRM has 8 defining macros, Marlais has NONE! It hard-wires these defining macros into the parser/interpreter:

(missing domain-definer) -- true?
library-definer -- true?
(missing function-definer) -- added to the Dylan language specification after the DRM was published.

Exported Statement Macros

DRM has 10 names, again Marlais has these hard-wired!

for -- but not fully implemented?
* when -- true?

Exported Function Macros

DRM has 3, Marlais has these hard-wired!


Bindings that are targets for the Common-Dylan spec

IO Library


* <stream> = {the class <stream> (56)}


* close-stream = {the generic function close-stream (s, #rest x)} -- should be renamed to close
format = {the generic function format (stream, s, #rest x)}
format-out = {an anonymous method (#rest regular-args)#(apply, f, #(concatenate, curried-args, regular-args))}

The next two functions must be restructured to conform to the common-dylan spec.

open-input-file = {the generic function open-input-file (s, #rest x)}
open-output-file = {the generic function open-output-file (s, #rest x)}
princ = {the generic function princ (obj, #rest x)}
print = {the generic function print (obj, #rest x)}
print* = {the generic function print* (obj, #rest x)}
read = {the generic function read (#rest x)}
read-char = {the generic function read-char (#rest x)}
write-char = {the generic function write-char (c, #rest x)}


* *standard-output* :: {the class <stream> (56)} = {output stream}

Transcendentals Library


* atan2 = {the generic function atan2 (d1, d2, #rest x)}
* cos = {the generic function cos (n, #rest x)}
exp = {the generic function exp (n, #rest x)}
ln = {the generic function ln (n, #rest x)}
sin = {the generic function sin (n, #rest x)}
sqrt = {the generic function sqrt (i, #rest x)}

Date Library


* clock = {primitive function clock}
* ctime = {primitive function ctime}
time = {primitive function time}